CSJS Rally in Maryland

CSJS Rally in Maryland
Campaign for Justice, Safety & Jobs
CJSJ is a diverse group of community, faith, civil rights, and community leaders who have come together today to raise our voices together in a call for Justice, Safety, and Jobs. The group convened in April of 2015 in the wake of Freddie Gray’s murder at the hands of Baltimore Police officers to address the systemic issues that were unearthed in Freddie Gray’s death and the subsequent uprising throughout the city. The campaign includes over 30 powerful organizations representing thousands of Marylanders from Baltimore, including a diverse combination of local grassroots youth organizations, policy advocates, faith instructions, and labor unions.
CJSJ is the umbrella of other relevant campaigns: Fight for 15, Police Reform & Fight for Immigration.
The death of Freddie Gray in the hands of Baltimore Police not only triggered public indignation but demonstrated the inefficacy of the justice system. As a result, a coalition of over 30 organizations convened and has taken action to urge immediate change.
CJSJ works toward passing a fair immigration legislation that prevents families from being separated, particularly focusing on children and women. Young dreames have their right to dream. CJSJ believes in this too. More realistic legislation needs to reflect the needs of those working hard for a better living in the United States.
Fight for $15 is a campaign to raise the minimum salary to $15 dollars an hour in 100 cities accross the country, including Baltimore. It also encourages people to express their disagreement and the right to strike with the current levels of minimum.