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CJSJ releases recommendations to the Department of Justice on Baltimore City police reform by suggesting the composition of a civilian monitor
The recommendations are underneath.
CJSJ Urges Mayor Rawlings-Blake to Ensure Police Accountability in the Midst of Baltimore City Negotiations with Police Union
BALTIMORE (July 21)_ The coalition CJSJ sent a letter yesterday to Baltimore City Mayor Stephanie Rawlins-Blake urging her to ensure police accountability during negotiations between Baltimore City and the police union (Fraternal Order Police).
The letter is underneath.
Baltimore City is in the process of creating a Consent Decree to implement police reform. However, it needs to take into account the views of citizens and taxpayers.
The following are a series of charts that intend to guide citizens and policymakers in creating a consent decree that incorporates citizen proposals.
Proposals to a Transparent Consent Decree Process

A civilian review board in investigations of police brutality is necessary to keep police officers accountable.
From 2010-2014, at least 109 people died in encounters with the police in Maryland.
Police brutality must end now. It all starts with you by telling your legislator in Maryland. That you support this bill.
Negative impact of LEOBOR legislation

Without critical changes to HB 1016 & SB 1026, 42% of MD residents will live in jurisdictions where the police union controls the discipline board in cases of police brutality.
Our legislators have a chance to pass real reform this year! Call your legislator to support reforms to ensure a fair discipline process in brutality cases!
Our research & member organizations' research

West Baltimore Community Commission on Police Misconduct Report
No Boundaries Coalition. March 8, 2016
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