The Campaign came together to acknowledge that our communities are in crisis, and to search for policy and economic justice solutions that we can only win together. Far too many mothers are still mourning children who have died as a result of abusive policing. We seek justice for these families. Far too many children are growing up in fear of the very officers who are sworn to protect and serve them. We seek safety for these communities. And we recognize that when our young men and women have access to jobs that pay a decent wage, they are far less likely to end up incarcerated or dead. We seek jobs for these youth.
After forming in April, the group has developed a platform of statewide reforms and is working in tandem with the Maryland Coalition for Justice and Police Accountability to achieve those statewide reforms. In developing a platform of city-wide reforms, the Campaign for Justice, Safety, and Jobs convened it’s youth members in a weeklong leadership summit, in recognition that Black and Brown youth in Baltimore are the most deeply and directly affected by the current crisis and should have the most voice in developing solutions. Youth members continue to be at the forefront of citywide reform efforts, supported by all campaign members.
CJSJ members include: 1199 SEIU, ACLU of Maryland, Amnesty International, Baltimore Algebra Project, Beats, Rhymes, and Relief, Bmore United, CASA, Citibloc, Communities United, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Equity Matters, Empowerment Temple, Freddie Gray Project, Fusion Group, Jews United for Justice, Justice League, Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, Making Change, Maryland State Conference NAACP, Peace by Piece, Pleasant Hope Baptist Church, Power Inside, SEIU 32BJ, Southern Engagement Foundation, Ujima People’s Progress, and Universal Zulu Nation.
Presentation of CJSJ
Towards Trust: Our Recommendations